Joseph Humes is human being that exsists! HOORAY!!!

Alright let me get into.....


Because I have nothing better to type about... :(

Hi my name is Joseph Humes. I prefer to be called Joe. I was born on September 14, 1998. I like to play video games (my favorites are Zelda, Minecraft, Portal 2 and Skyrim). When I'm at the computer lab with my assignments done and can't leave I play games at I also enjoy playing soccer and riding my bike. When I play soccer, I generally play goalkeeper. I just finished 8th grade, and during that year I took geometry, which is the 10th grade math class. I generally consider myself smart.

Well I hope that went on more than one line! Now to the fun stuff!

Today's random statement:

I'm not always random, but when I am.....


This is a picture of me....


Actually, the fires just a backround. I wish I was the Human Torch..... :(

Me surrounded by fire!! :D

And heres one of a painting of me. Can you guess who painted it? It was Microsoft Word, the most talented word processor that this computer has that can do images. Because its the ONLY one.

Painting of STUFF. That's me. Kinda boring actually. :D

If those didn't work you can see it from google! Here's the link to the page with the google pics and links there:

Looks like thats just about all I can think of. I may add stuff later. But for now....